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WeatherBreak ensures that all are operations are as environmentally friendly as possible and we are committed to a ‘Nil to landfill’ policy across our manufacturing operation. We also help to reduce our trade customers’ impact on the environment by offering a choice of energy saving glazing options which includes industry leading A-Rated glazing. Our windows and doors also feature robust weather seals to keep the cold out and the warm in so reducing fuel bills and are fully compliant with building regulations.

Energy Rating Certification

Most of our products and our production process have been awarded an ER Certification CMS Mark which ensures that our products are fully tested and conform to the latest building regulations. As a manufacturer we comply with Government legislation to help householders reduce their CO2 emissions and energy usage. Please click here to view our energy efficiency ratings.

Nil to Landfill – what does it mean?

Nil to Landfill – what does it mean

Because we manufacture tens of thousands of new products we have developed a proactive approach to recycling in all areas of our operations. Throughout the manufacturing process we separate all waste including PVC-U, metal, plastic wrapping, cardboard and glass. All our waste is then collected by specialist recycling companies to be reused and used in other areas.

We are currently working towards BS14001, an internationally accepted standard, which outlines how businesses need to put an effective environmental management system in place. It is designed to ensure our business continues to be commercially successful without overlooking our environmental responsibilities. Many of our clients, especially in the local authority sector, choose WeatherBreak because we put the environment at the top of our list of priorities.